Monday 29th April 2024

Experience To Earn !!The More Left To Learn!!

4 years अगाडी

I felt like to say ,share and explore myself today with the art of words and adjectives of sentences with the nouns and verbs of my life !!Phrases of experiences .There”s always something to distract us from getting around to certain things we know we should do and which are genuinely important for the selfgrowth of own strengthful ability .However , still being so silly stupid we follow the disastrous factor /path as must probably for to hurt own Identity!! Basically all know smart people who do stupid things. At work we see people with brilliant minds make the most simple mistakes. At home we might live with someone who is gifted with rationality but also has no idea. We all have friends who have impressive IQs but lack basic common sense.This is what all about the flows and flaws….
We were constantly surprised by the ways that these intelligent people ended up doing the most unintelligent trifles. We found mature adults enthusiastically participating in leadership development workshops that wouldn’t be out of place in a pre-school class; executives who paid more attention to overhead slides than to careful analysis; senior officers in the armed forces who preferred to run rebranding exercises than military exercises; headteachers who were more interested in creating strategies than educating students; engineers who focused more on telling good news stories than solving problems; and healthcare workers who spent more time ticking boxes than caring for patients. No wonder so many of these intelligent people described their jobs as being dumb.AND Yes among all these dumb I Am The Craziest One !!!Who knows everything but still believe in the unusual aspects and people ..
To overcome from all these buzz stuffs that had created on my own and let been happen by me itself I should, removing the block and setting goals. Every time when the lazy “Monster” come out and threatens my motivation I will think about what will happen if I don’t do it. So this simple thinking can motivating me continue moving, so we must have a positive thinking that makes us towards success. Try to learn to reward myself for the small things that we are completed or try. Occasional reward will make sweeten the tasks and help myself keep on track. If by rewarding me after completion the thing that it was hard, sure my motivation can build in automatic reinforcing. Must always keep most rewards simple but effective, such as extra breaks, catching a movie, splurging on a favorite snack. By using self-rewards, it will train my mind to actively. And I become lazy is because the thing that very difficulties without thinking about the benefits when we finish it, so must focus my mind on the benefits instead of the difficulties and can challenge it.Life is really amazing and worthy so I have decided to live to be surrounded and to be the way I have to be by ignoring leaving the drawbacks and the factors which has tired me to be the state of question marks?#5W 1H.
NOW,No more that crazy stupid me to make myself fool for shake of others benifit of doubt ??Had warmly welcome to the strenght power positive attitude with being overwhelmed so #Happie Me

          July 9, 2020 6:31 pm | विचार/ब्लग

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