Tuesday 3rd December 2024

Poem – I came to knew , Life is best without you

6 years अगाडी

Sabina K.C

I came to knew
Life is best without you
I kept my heart in your hand
But you left it somewhere behind
You were a storehouse of grief
In your absence I get real relief.

I been poppet for your happiness
The more I do ,the more it been less
For me you were living god
Instead love and care I was hurt
I been blind,dump and deaf
Now, In your absence,I get real relief.

You were the one who bend and beg
Today I realise it was fake
I was educated fool
Binded by your stupid rule
As life must goes on
Sorry to say ,the chapter has turn.

          September 11, 2018 11:08 pm | साहित्य

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